A Red Bull clone with a twist. You can buy this drink at some K Marts, the one in my town never has the original flavor. So, I called the other one and they said they didn't have it but, I drove there and whutdayaknow, they had it. Anyway, this drink is worth a try.
Taste - This is one of two drinks that I've had that seem as if they are missing the secondary taste (the other was DNA). You taste the initial taste, which is similar to red bull (but a little fruity), then it just goes to nothing with a slight after taste (which is like Red Bull). It's really weird. There must be a LOOPHOLE in the taste!
RATING - 5.5/10
Buzz - Average buzz, with average ingredients...except, when i drank this drink my heart beats became very irregular. This doesn't happen to me often. I'm not sure if this was due to this drink in particular or just a side effect of having too many energy drinks in general. Well, if you don't have a heat attack, the strange taste will wake you up a bit.
RATING - 5/10
I think Loop is a great, cheap alternative to other energy drinks. Like it on Facebook!