Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Az: Low Cal

Company's need to start making their cans cool again.

Taste- Maybe I should have gave the original a better chance. This one isn't that bad and its sweetened with honey. Maybe I just passed the other one off without taking a look at the ingredients. When somethings sweetened with honey its automatically better in my book, and the juices really set it off. Pear, apple, mango and peach. There isn't even tea in here. I totally would give the original a second chance but I doubt Ill ever find it again. This one of course is hindered a little by the artificial sweetener.


Buzz- 12.8 mgs glucose (sugar) 1000 mgs taurine. 100 mgs caffeine, l-carnitine, ginseng, inositol, gaurana and glucuronolactone. 35 mgs milk thistle and 100% rda vitamins B6,12,5 and C.


Total amount of mgs-1811

Over all rating-8/10

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