Taste-Like a good acai drink should. Nice and sweet sip after sip with a little bit of a pungent aftertaste. With a nice fruit and sugar taste. Still tastes natural but still like candy. And the addition of blueberry to it is great!
Buzz-1000 mgs taurine. 600 mgs d-glucuronolactone. 80 mgs caffeine. 20 mgs pantothenic acid. 5 mgs vitB6 and vitB12.
Total amount of mgs-1,710
Over all rating-6.5/10
I only ever had the regular red rain. Never seen the mocha one in Canada yet and never had a flaved one b4. red rave is red rain with a tiny little sour added and both from cott's. well anywyas got a red rain 8.5oz can(had many times in past not recent thought)and an acai-blu one 2 try out. cheer's