Taste-I think its menthol,the same stuff in gum and cigarettes.The best red bull clone Ive ever had with a chilling after taste.The only reason I'm not giving it a ten is cuz the menthol kinda tastes like your chewing gum.
Buzz-Same as sugar free.
Over all rating-9.5/10
Slap is the most heinous tasting liquid in all creation. I'd rather slam a quart of 10w40 Quaker State than ever try to choke down more Slap. Apparently the chemists behind this did not want to be roped in by the closed minded concept of "flavor", and instead decided to infuse it with a sensation. That sensation being the burning, choking, mentholated drowning feeling reminiscent of water-boarding/inhaling tear gas. Quite a show for the one dollar admission price. I've never left an energy drink unfinished before regardless of taste (even the organic chocolate energy shot that my mom bought because it was a healthy alternative) but I could not get through a third of a Slap without retching. I tried it on two separate occasions because I thought the first time I had a contaminated batch or something. But hey, if you enjoy an occasional glass of ice cold Liquid Plumber, then you hit the jackpot. Go stock up on Slap and enjoy your remaining hours on Earth.