Friday, May 29, 2009

Full throttle:fury by Nolan

Hmm yes you would expect me to review this earlier...well I forgot big deal.I don't believe they make this anymore and if they do its really hard to find.

Taste-Not light like the blue agave but not thick and sugary either,I would even say better than mountain dew code red,less syrupy and just a taste that makes you want to keep drinking.


Buzz-Man what a bummer this is a lot less good as the other full throttles.20% RDA niacin and vit.B6.10% vit.B12.605 mgs taurine.90 mgs ginseng.14 mgs l-carnitine and .70 mgs gaurana(lol)


Over all rating-6/10


  1. where can i find this drink? They stopped selling it in my area for a while now.

  2. DOOOD! Where can I get this drink at? They stopped selling it in my area for a while now.

  3. well i saw it at a few gas stations,and if you live by a woodmans grocery store they sell it there

  4. The sell it everywhere in Canada. Toronto specifically.
