Taste-Made with exotic juices(acia,blackberry,blueberry,mangosteen,pomegranate and red grape) it was a little to rich to be perfect but it was close and no sign of sugar free taste.
Buzz-No more just B vitamins.50% RDA vit.C,folate,biotin,phosphorus,mangenum,molybdenum,selenium and chormium.100% RDA niacin and pantothenic acid.2% RDA phosphurous.10% calcium.300% vit.B6.8000% vit.B12 and 15% magnesium.I think they try and put a lot of B12 to make it actually work,and it might with 8,000% RDA.Also 125 mgs essentra,the only other drinks essentra is in is celsious and frs.But we cant just live on vitamins alone,so a four for this.
Over all rating-6.25/10
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