Saturday, June 6, 2009


Mad props to Tasia Brooks for taking her time to send me this and xs wild grape,thanks again!I was really excited to try this just because it looks so pimp.

Taste-Made with exotic juices(acia,blackberry,blueberry,mangosteen,pomegranate and red grape) it was a little to rich to be perfect but it was close and no sign of sugar free taste.


Buzz-No more just B vitamins.50% RDA vit.C,folate,biotin,phosphorus,mangenum,molybdenum,selenium and chormium.100% RDA niacin and pantothenic acid.2% RDA phosphurous.10% calcium.300% vit.B6.8000% vit.B12 and 15% magnesium.I think they try and put a lot of B12 to make it actually work,and it might with 8,000% RDA.Also 125 mgs essentra,the only other drinks essentra is in is celsious and frs.But we cant just live on vitamins alone,so a four for this.


Over all rating-6.25/10

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