Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Much o power

Our local big lots (the energy drink hot spot) just moved and they finally got some new drinks. I really want a job there.

Taste-Tastes Mexican, you can just tell. Kinda tastes how the liquid looks, carbonated and white.


Buzz- I drank a half a bottle of NyQuil before drinking this, unfortunately the NyQuil won. 20 mgs niacin. 5 mgs vitB6 and pantothenic acid. 4.8 mgs vitB12. 1000 mgs taurine. 100 mgs glucuronolactone. 80 mgs caffeine. 50 mgs ginseng. 50 mgs gaurana. 25 mgs l-carnitine and inositol.


Total amount of mgs-1364.8

Over all rating-6.75/10

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