Taste-Just like crush or any good orange soda. All freeks had that delicious soda pop taste that you always craved, but I guess if you want something close you can drink rip it, but its still not the same.
Buzz-Nothing like monster but don't be fooled you will get a nice buzz. 1000 mgs taurine. 100 mgs caffeine and inositol. 10 mgs gaurana. 60 mgs vit.C. 2 mgs vit.B6. 400 mgs folic acid and 6 mgs vit.B12.
Total amount of mgs-1,624
Over all rating-7.75/10 Long live your soul freek, you will not be forgotten.
i have a can of freek psycho for sale if interestd contact me at shawn_d36@yahoo.com