Well guava,that sure is an interesting type of juice.But its really mostly apple and pear,but oh well.This can looks cool with the purple.
Taste-I think this tasted quite good although nick does not agree of course.I cant really describe how this tasted.It does taste purple just like the can but a good purple not artificial like most purples.
Buzz-Its decant like all Rockstars,but not as good as monster of course.It contains.1000 mgs taurine,150 mgs ginko biloba leaf extract,80 mgs caffeine,25 mgs guarana seed extract,25 mgs inositol,25 mgs l carnitine,25 mgs panax ginseng extract,20 mgs milk thistle extract,6 mgs vit.b12,2 mgs vit.b6,10 mgs b5,20 mgs b3.
Total amount of mgs-1,388
Overall score-5.1/10
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