Sunday, September 19, 2010


Pull up to road ranger for one of them nice 88 cent pops, but then I was awestruck, I saw the add for spartan energy drink. "prepare for glory".

Taste-Smoke shop red bull clone, which is actually a very pleasant taste if your akin to that kind of thing.


Buzz- I love how every can of somewhat generic energy drink has the same description basically. 30 mgs niacin. 7 mgs vitb6, b12, pantothenic acid. 90 mgs caffeine. 1000 mgs taurine. 200 mgs ginseng and gaurana, 110 mgs glucuronolactone, 100 mgs l-carnitine. 35 mgs inositol and 50 mgs acia.


Total amount of mgs-5406

Over all rating-6.25/10

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