Taste-Everything about this drink is orange. The taste the color and the smell. Its basically a nice strong orange soda flavor with hints of a grapefruit juice taste. Although its great I would love to see more flavors in the future.
Buzz-They went more in the direction of great taste then try and worry about the buzz. But it aint to shabby. 1000 mgs taurine. 120 mgs caffeine. 25 mgs l-carnitine and l-glutamine. 100 mgs ginseng and gaurana. 1.7 mgs vitB2. 20 mgs vitB3. 10 mgs vitB5. 4 mgs vitB6 and 15 mgs vitB12.
Total amount of mgs-1,420.7
Over all rating-8.5/10
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